Meet the Instructors!

Course curriculum

  • 01


  • 02

    Module 1: God Desires Healing

    • Before we begin God Desires Healing...

    • Module 1: God Desires Healing Handout

    • Module 1: God Desires Healing Video

  • 03

    Module 2: Healing of Unhealthy Narratives

    • Before we begin Healing of Unhealthy Narratives...

    • Module 2: Healing of Unhealthy Narratives Handout

    • Module 2 : Healing of Unhealthy Narratives Video

  • 04

    Module 3: The Grief Practice

    • Before we begin the Grief Practice...

    • Module 3 The Grief Practice Handout

    • Module 3: The Grief Practice Video

  • 05

    Module 4: Healing Through Art

    • Before we begin Healing Through Art...

    • Module 4 Healing Through Art

    • Module 4: Healing Through Art Video

  • 06

    Module 5: Wonder in the Healing Process

    • Before we begin Wonder in the Healing Process...

    • Module 5: Wonder In The Healing Process Handout

    • Module 5: Wonder in the Healing Process Video

Descriptive Outline

In this course, you will:

Introduction: Meet and get acquainted with Christine Sine, Lilly Lewin, and Bethany Dearborn Hiser and learn about the format of the course.

Module 1: Be introduced to God’s concepts of healing and the amazing ways God has placed these within our bodies and within our world. Christine Sine will lead you through a breath prayer exercise and some simple practices that connect you to a variety of healing elements within our bodies and our world.

Module 2: Be invited to explore how our internal narratives affect our ability to care for ourselves and love others from a more grounded and healthier place. Bethany Dearborn Hiser will lead you in your own writing reflection, share a bit about her own journey, and close with a contemplative prayer exercise.

Module 3: In order to move forward and heal, we all need to take time to grieve the loss and pain of the past, especially the pain and losses of this past year. Together with Lilly Lewin, we will do some simple practices for processing grief. A Body Prayer, A Pouring Prayer, A Practice using a gift box, and a cup. 

Module 4: Our Creator is inviting you to be creative! Everyone is an artist till they are about 8 years old. Then someone compares their art with yours and you feel bad about your art. We are reclaiming our artist selves and using crayons and collaging to experience healing, and process our feeling and emotions with Lilly Lewin.

Module 5: Explore wonder an often overlooked and underrated tool in the healing process. Christine Sine will walk you through a breath, awe and wonder walks, contemplative garden creation and other practices that draw us closer to renew, transform and bring healing. Be prepaid to stir your imagination and begin to create your own wonder pathway.


Lizzie Hackney

5 star rating

“This was such a wonderful course to receive as a gift from a very creative and life-giving collaboration. Thank you so much for the sensitive, Spirit-filled reflections and exercises that enabled me to connect with God in fresh and ancient ways.”

“This was such a wonderful course to receive as a gift from a very creative and life-giving collaboration. Thank you so much for the sensitive, Spirit-filled reflections and exercises that enabled me to connect with God in fresh and ancient ways.”

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Anya Almgren

5 star rating

“Time to Heal is a time to reconnect with God's healing power and with our inner healing self that God created within us. This course guided my awareness and reflection of my own trauma as it profoundly impacted how I experienced God's healing tran...”

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“Time to Heal is a time to reconnect with God's healing power and with our inner healing self that God created within us. This course guided my awareness and reflection of my own trauma as it profoundly impacted how I experienced God's healing transformation. It offered biblical and artistic ways for me to encourage healing and growth within me. I highly recommend this course to others seeking space and time to heal in the presence of God!”

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Darlene Little

5 star rating

“I loved the diversity and variety of ways to get in touch with our wounds, small and large, and then the gentle ways of healing. Good balance between spoken learning and experiential learning. ”

“I loved the diversity and variety of ways to get in touch with our wounds, small and large, and then the gentle ways of healing. Good balance between spoken learning and experiential learning. ”

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